Pastor With No Answers: The MIXTAPE Era
Pastor Joey Svendsen and a community of podcast hosts from all walks, many holding to the Christian faith (some reluctantly), coming together to de-tribe tribalism, defeat hate with love, find common ground with our fellow man and have some fun doing it. Join us and our guests as we learn more together about God, life and how to come together. Love will win. Might as well join now.
Pastor With No Answers: The MIXTAPE Era
EP37 - Please Stop Peeing on Our Jesus' Gospel
[This episode is produced by Stoy Prioleau and hosted by Joey Svendsen, Amy Alderman, Ellen Mauro, Liz Miller]
Birthed out of the discussion in "episode 36: generation z people, trans people and those gay olympic ceremonies," in this episode, Joey shares how he posted some sentiments on that archaic social networking platform, Facebook, fairly certain the straight-forwardness of its message to fellow Christians in regards to Jesus' radical message of love. Numerous comments on the post however highlighted some very different takes on how a Christ-follower is to reflect the gospel. Joey, Amy, Liz and Ellen talk about here what seems to be two very opposing views amongst Christians about what "Christ's love" for the world should look like amongst the body of believers. As the four discuss, it seems that certain actions and words the hosts see as "peeing on the gospel" of radical love, many other christians see as "taking stands" for what is good and right.
Joey's Facebook post reflected on the outrage by many christians on the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics. He expressed the potential delight it would be to see all Christians truly serving and loving how he personally believes Jesus is calling all Christians to love. It says the following: "I’ve made some of the biggest screw ups of all, so I totally understand the whole “he who is without sin cast the first stone” concept and how it plays out here. But man, it’s so hard to see the church miss the mark on the very basics of the Christian faith. TBH, I think it’s debatable whether this is Christian persecution in the first place, but wouldn’t it be so refreshing to see brothers & sisters all over the world actually loving their neighbors & not having such a short fuse with stuff that rubs them the wrong way? Is it fear? Have we not been perfected by love? HAHA, let’s bring those WWJD bracelets back."
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Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Rock): Apple Music
Other music: Mechanical River.