Pastor With No Answers: The MIXTAPE Era
Pastor Joey Svendsen and a community of podcast hosts from all walks, many holding to the Christian faith (some reluctantly), coming together to de-tribe tribalism, defeat hate with love, find common ground with our fellow man and have some fun doing it. Join us and our guests as we learn more together about God, life and how to come together. Love will win. Might as well join now.
Pastor With No Answers: The MIXTAPE Era
EP43 - Grand Theft Auto and Calling Women "Karens"
[This episode with Amy Alderman, Matt Oxley, Stoy Prioleau and Joey Svendsen was produced by Joey Svendsen]
The host crew talk morals and parenting in the context of "Grand Theft Auto," a video game not allowed in the Svendsen household, in which the player goes around society committing egregious crimes for pure entertainment. Joey explains his disdain for the "Karen" label and believes it exposes some of the deeper roots of what's wrong with the current "judgmental state" of today's society. Lastly, the four discuss the deeper heart mechanics in communicating serious matters with people of opposing views and how patience and grace should be afforded to those who may not intend harm, taking into consideration their unknown backstories, difficult life-circumstances and/or harmful childhood upbringings.
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Theme Song, other Music by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music
Other music: Derek Minor, Mechanical River.