Pastor With No Answers: The MIXTAPE Era
Pastor Joey Svendsen and a community of podcast hosts from all walks, many holding to the Christian faith (some reluctantly), coming together to de-tribe tribalism, defeat hate with love, find common ground with our fellow man and have some fun doing it. Join us and our guests as we learn more together about God, life and how to come together. Love will win. Might as well join now.
Pastor With No Answers: The MIXTAPE Era
EP57 - Generation X Parenting, Triggers and Sex Culture Gone Wild
[This episode has: Amy Alderman, Hayne Griffin, Stoy Prioleau, and Joey Svendsen]
Amy's husband goes by "Dick." After getting through some jokes and reverting back to being middle school kids, three "Gen-X-ers" talk parenting, including differing opinions on tough love, the prospect of out-living one's child and what age-appropriate discipline may look like. Are we now raising a soft generation? Stoy gives updates on his "NBA bound" son and the four reflect on teen suicide and how sex culture for teens is becoming dirtier and dirtier, each of these Gen-X parents likely sounding like their own "Boomer parents" did, 30 years ago.
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Theme Song by Stoy Prioleau (aka: Riggy Roc): Apple Music